- Loh e Quranic in Arabic
- Loh e Quranic in English
- Benefits Of Lohe Qurani
- Importance Of Lohe Qurani
- Uses Of Lohe Qurani
- Explanation
Loh e Quranic in Arabic:
لوح قرآنی
الم حمعسق ن
المص حم يس
كهيعص ق آمين
Loh e Quranic in English:
Alif Laam Meem, Ha Meem Ayn Seen Qaf, Nun
Alif Laam Meem Sad, Ha Meem, Yaseen
Kaf Ha Ya Ayn Sad, Qaf, Ameen
Meaning Of Loh e Qurani:
The literal meaning of the word ‘Loh’ is ‘tablet‘ or anything which heals. The Lohe Qurani comprises of total 29 letters that appear at the starting of Surahs in the Holy Quran. These are Arabic letters and they appear as prefixes at the start of Surahs. These Arabic words are also known as rumooz, meaning codes as their meanings are hidden and are only known by Allah and His prophets. It is a must for every Muslim to respect and give importance to the Loh e Qurani.
Benefits Of Lohe Qurani:
There are numerous benefits of reading and reciting the Lohe Qurani, some of them are:
- It is considered as supplication of success for Muslims
- These words are also considered as the guidance for the mankind
- The constant recitation of Lohe Qurani also brings abundance in the rizq of a believer
- It is the source of protection from the enemies and evils
- They are the ultimate source of blessings over the believers
- The recitation of Lohe Qurani is also considered as the remedy for an illness
- Lohe Qurnai is the best source of helping one in the difficult phases and zones
- By reading and reciting them, one can get closer to Allah which is the ultimate sign of success
Representation Of Lohe Qurani:
The following Arabic words and letters are the representation of the Lohe Qurani

The Importance Of Lohe Qurani:
The importance of this supplication is equal for all Muslims. even though no one knows the meaning of these words but these words mark importance in the life of every individual. From hanging in walls to swinging in cars, Lohe Qurani is being respected everywhere.
As Lohe Qurani is the ultimate source of blessings and is considered as the protection from sins and evil eyes so its importance is marked and respected by Muslims all over the globe.
Uses Of Lohe Qurani:
As there are many spiritual Lohe Qurani benefits so they are used massively for hanging on the walls and are recited frequently. The major use of Lohe Qurani is in the fields of art and calligraphy. Some specialized painters and calligraphers paint these words and sell them out so that people may read and recite them in their daily life.
8+ Lohe Qurani Calligraphy

11+ Lohe Qurani Color Full Naqsh

16+ lohe Qurani Wallpaper HD

Explanation Of Loh e Qurani:
As described earlier that the meaning of these words is still unknown but according to some scholars these words are the name of elements that are found in the human body. Some scholars also suggest that it is the language that is used by Allah to differentiate the Arabs from their language. Many scholars also explain that these letters are the short form of some words but the authentic explanation and meaning of the Loh e Qurani is still unknown and the scholars and researchers are still trying to discover some secrets about the Lohe Qurani