
How many pages in Quran?

Al Quran is the holy book of Islam, which was revealed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The question of How many pages are in the Quran is perplexing. Several publications print the Quran, and the Number of pages in the Quran depends on many factors such as font size, page size, line spacing, character spacing, page layout margins, etc. The standard size that contains just Arabic text consists of around 600-610 pages.

The Number of pages in the Quran will double when the Translation is also included and may be quadrupled if the book contains Arabic text + Translation in any language as well as Tafsir/Explanation of all the verses that may contain relevant Hadiths, Quotes, etc to explain the context of any particular verse. This may drastically increase the Number of pages. But the Arabic version is most popular among Muslims as they like to read the Arabic Quran daily as we can see the rewards in hadith;

Narrated Muhammad bin Ka’b Al-Qurazi: “I heard ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud saying: ‘The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ” [Whoever recites a letter] from Allah’s Book, then he receives the reward from it, and the reward of ten the like of it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter.”

Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2910

Facts about the Quran

There are many facts and miracles in the Quran that the Quran itself confirms. Surah Al Imran Version 190 states;

“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding”

Let’s discuss some interesting facts and details about the Quran.

  • There are 114 Surahs (Chapters) and 30 Parahs (Juz) in the Quran .
  • It was revealed in 23 years.
  • 82 Makki Surahs (Surahs revealed before the migration of Prophet ﷺ to Medina).
  • 32 Medni Surahs (Surahs revealed after the migration of Prophet ﷺ to Medina).
  • The Longest surah of the Al Quran is Surah Al Baqarah, while the shortest surah of Al Quran is Surah Kausar.
  • There are a total of 25 prophets mentioned in the Al Quran, with Prophet Musa (A.S) mentioned the most (136 times).
  • The first revelation of Quran Kareem was in the month of Ramadan, while the last revelation of Al Quran was in the month of Dhul Haj.
  • There are a total of 14 Sujood verses in the Quran and a total of 558 Ruku’ in the Quran.
  • Surah Tauba does not start with Bismillah, while Surah Naml has Bismillah twice; hence the Number of Bismillahs in the Quran is 114.
  • There are 12 Ghazwas (Battles in the early years of Islam) mentioned in the Quran.
  • The Number of Animals mentioned in the Quran is 16. The most giant animal discussed is the Elephant, while the smallest animal discussed is the Mosquito.
  • The exact name of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is mentioned in the Quran 4 times, while 6 of the Surahs are named after the Prophet ﷺ.
  • The words Man and Woman mentioned in the Quran are equal in numbers, i.e., both appeared 24 times.
  • The only female mentioned in the Quran is Maryam (A.S).
  • The only Sahabi mentioned in the Al Quran is Zayd bin Haarith (R.A).


How many pages are in the Quran?

There are roughly 600 pages in a standard-sized Arabic scripture-only Quran.

How long it takes someone to read a parah?

The Quran consists of 30 verses. An average non-Arabic person takes 30-45 minutes to read one verse thoroughly.

How many days it takes to read the whole Quran?

If someone reads continuously, they can read the whole Quran in 2 days.

How many pages per juz in the Quran?

A juz, also known as a para or parah, contains approximately 20 pages.

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