- Darood Tanjeena English Translation
- Urdu Translation of Darood Tanjeena
- Benefits of reciting Darood Tanjeena
- Wazifa of Darood Tanjeena
- From where does Tanjeena came?
- FAQs
The Darood Tanjeena:
In Islam, the Darood is an invocation to Allah for sending blessing and prayers to the last messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Deen-e-Islam consists of multiple Darood Shareefs but with the same outline and context. The most preferred and easy version of reciting Darood Shareef is the Darood Ibrahim that includes the invocations for the whole family of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).
The Darood Tanjeena is also one of the most popular Darood which consists of fruitful blessings for a believer. Besides sending blessings to Muhammad (SAW), a Muslim also recites Darood Tanjeena for the sake of mercy and the sake of blessings and kindness of Allah (SWT) on his soul.

Darood Tanjeena Translation in English:
The Darood Tanjeena in Arabic states that:
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ صَلاَةً تُنْجِينَا بِهَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ الْأَهْوَالِ وَالْآفَاتِ ❁ وَتَقْضِى لَنَا بِهَا جَمِيعَ الْحَاجَاتِ ❁ وَتُطَهِّرُنَا بِهَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ السَّيِّئَاتِ❁ وَتَرْفَعُنَا بِهَا عِنْدَكَ أَعْلَى الدَّرَجَاتِ ❁ وَتُبَلِّغُنَا بِهَا أَقْصَى الْغَايَاتِ ❁ مِنْ جَمِيعِ الْخَيْرَاتِ ❁ فِى الْحَيَاةِ وَبَعْدَ الْمَمَاتِ❁ اِنَّکَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِ یْرُ
which can be translated in English as:
“O, Allah! Bestow blessings upon Muhammad (SAW), and his Family, such blessings through which You may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. You may satisfy all our needs. You may clean us of all evils and thanks for which You may grant us high position and high rank and status in your presence, and You may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world. Hereafter, as you have full power over everything.”
Darood Tanjeena Urdu Translation:

The Urdu translation of Darood Tanjeena is as follows:
اے اللہ! عَزّوجَلَّ سیدنا حضرت محمد مصطفٰی پر ایسی رحمت نازل فرما کہ تُو اِن کے سبب ہمیں تمام خوفوں اور آفتوں سے نجات دے اور ان کے سبب تو ہماری تمام حاجتوں کو پورا فرما اور ان کی بدولت تو ہمیں تمام گناہوں سے پاک کردے اور ان کے ذریعے تو ہمیں بلند درجات پر فائز فرما دے اور ان کی برکت سے تو ہمیں تمام نیکیوں کی آخری انتہا تک پہنچا دے ، زندگی میں اور موت کے بعد اور بے شک تو ہر چیز پر قادر ہے۔
Benefits of Reciting Darood Tanjeena:
The Darood Tanjeena is such a powerful Darood Shareef with numerous blessings upon the believer, the Darood Tanjeena benefits are:
- It helps to cure all types of diseases such as plagues and other feral diseases
- It gives them peace of mind & soul
- It helps to recover from anxiety issues & depressions
- Darood Tanjeena gives success to a believer if he is failing continuously
- The reciter is protected by Allah in all of his difficult phases of life
- This Darood helps us to stay away from our enemies
- Allah showers his ultimate blessings and mercy on the reciter
- It helps us to pass through difficult times
- The reciter finds maximum Ajar by reciting it thoroughly
- Recitation of Darood Tanjeena is also fruitful in Hereafter
Darood Tanjeena Wazifa:
For different purposes there are different Wazifas associated with the Darood Tanjeena, they are:
Darood Tanjeena For Every Need (Hajat):
For fulfilling one’s permissible needs, one needs to experience this Wazifa step by step
- Do proper Wudhu
- Recite any Darood Shareef 3 times in starting
- Recite Darood Tanjeena 7 times
- Recite any Darood Shareef 3 times in ending
- Pray wholeheartedly
This Wazifa can be implemented on any day or any time, there are no such requirements, except one needs to avoid the time of Zawal (the time of noon)
Darood Tanjeena For Accomplishment of Special Desire:
To accomplish special desires, one needs to implement this Wazifa in the following ways
- Perform complete ablution
- Recite any Darood Shareef 3 times in starting
- Recite Darood Tanjeena 7 times
- Recite any Darood Shareef 3 times in ending
- Pray wholeheartedly
This Wazifa can be implemented on any day or any time, there are no such requirements, except one needs to avoid the time of Zawal (the time of noon)
History of Darood Tanjeena:
Darood Tanjeena is the best possible way of relieving stress and anxiety issues. It was firstly recited by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) to Shaikh Musa Al Darir. Over the years versions with slight change but with the same context of Tanjeena have been released.
According to a Turkish Shaikh, Muhammad Haqqi Effendi al-Nazili it is considered better to add the prophetic family at the end of the prayer to make it more complete and swift.
Supremacy of Darood Tanjeena:
The supremacy (Fazeelat) of this Darood Shareef is defined by various scholars in multiple places. Shaykh Hasan ibn Ali al-Aswani, in his exposition of Dalail al-Khayrat, mentions:
“Anyone who recites this dua after a frequent outbreak of plague will be safe from it”
He further stated:
“Anybody who invokes this dua during the sea voyage will be safe from drowning by the mercy of Allah”
One of the gnostic highlighted its supremacy in this way:
“Anybody who recites it 500 times will attain whatever he is wishing for either profit or wealth, obviously with the will of Allah”
Muhyiddin ibn Arabi says:
“One who recites Darood Tanjeena 1000 times in the mid of night for any permissible desire either of world or hereafter, his dua will be answered instantly, and his desire will be fulfilled immediately”
FAQs About The Darood Tanjeena:
Yes, it is completely authentic as it was first recited by the messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
This was presented by Muhammad (SAW) to Shaikh Musa Al Darir. After this official presentation, different versions of Darood Tanjeena were also released
Yes it’s the best source to relieve anxiety issues, panic attacks, and depressions as narrated by different scholars
The words of Durood are not mentioned in the Holy Quran, but it was recited by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
Obviously no, as it does not compare anyone with Allah. Darood Tanjeena only includes blessings for prophetic family and dua for a believer himself
To sum up, Darood Tanjeena is the best source for relieving tensions, anxiety issues, and depression. A believer must attempt to recite it in his difficult phases of life to be blessed by the mercy of Allah (SWT).