
Last 3 Ayat Of Surah Al Hashr | Translation & Benefits


Surah Hashr is the 59th chapter of the Quran. It is a Madni Surah and consists of 24 verses. The last 3 verses of this surah are very special and have many benefits for those who recite them.

The Last 3 Ayat of Surah Hashr:

The last 3 verses of Surah Hashr are:

The Surah Hashr last three Ayat in English can be translated as:

  • 22. He is Allah; there is no god but He, Knower of the unnoticed and the noticed; He is the Most Generous, the Most Merciful.
  • 23. He is Allah; there is no god but He, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Most Ideal, the Granter of security, the Watcher over all, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah, [far exalted is He] above having the partners they clarify to Him.
  • 24. He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. To Him belong the most beautiful titles. All that is in the heavens and on earth glorifies Him, for He is the Almighty, Most Wise.

Importance of the Last 3 Ayat of Surah Al Hashr:

The last 3 verses of Surah Hashr are very important because they remind us of our mortality and the importance of returning to Allah. Besides the Surah Baqarah last 2 Ayats these verses are also important in many aspects. Some of them are:

  • These verses remind us of the ultimate reality of death and the Hereafter. This can help us to live our lives more consciously and to make the most of our time in this world.
  • The last 3 Ayat of Surah Hashr affirm our belief in Allah’s sovereignty and power. This can give us strength and courage in the face of challenges and difficulties.
  • They are a declaration of our dependence on Allah. This can help us to humble ourselves and to seek His help in all things.
  • They are a means of seeking Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. This can help us to cleanse our hearts and to purify our intentions.
  • They are a way of praising and glorifying Allah. This can help us to connect with Him and to feel His presence in our lives.

Benefit of Reciting Last 3 Ayat of Surah Hashr:

There are many benefits of reciting last 3 Ayat of Surah Hashr. Some of these benefits include:

  • Protection from calamities and misfortunes.
  • Protection from the evil eye.
  • Protection from the jinn and Shaytan.
  • Increase in wealth and blessings.
  • Forgiveness of sins.
  • Acceptance of prayers.
  • Guidance to the straight path.
  • Peace of mind and tranquility.

Benefits of Surah Hashr Last 3 Ayat in Quran & Hadith:

Several Hadiths and Quranic verses quote about the benefits of reciting the last 3 verses of Surah Hashr. Some of these Hadiths and verses include:

  • The Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said, “When one recites in the morning: A-‘udhu billahis Sami’il ‘Alim minash shaytanir Rajim and then recites the last 3 verses of Surah Hashr, Allah Ta’ala appoints 70 000 angels to pray for him till the evening. If he dies on that day, he dies a martyr. The same applies if one recites it in the evening.” (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2922)
  • Allah says in the Quran, “So remember Me (Allah) and I shall remember you; give thanks to Me (Allah) and do not be ungrateful to Me for My favors.” (Quran 2:152)
  • Allah says in the Quran, “And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humble.” (Quran 2:45)

 Bottom Line:

The last 3 verses of Surah Hashr are a very powerful and beneficial supplication. Reciting them regularly can bring many blessings into our lives. If you are looking for a way to improve your life, it is encouraged to start reciting these verses today.

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